Planifica tu menú
Elige las recetas que más te gustan o inspirarte con nuestras propuestas de menús semanales.
Menús para tu semana
Cada semana podrás explorar nuevas ideas de recetas en nuestros menús creados por nuestros chefs y nutricionistas.
Planificación desde cero
Tu eliges las recetas y armas el menú a tu pinta.
Air Fryer
This menu is all about saving time and enjoying delicious and healthy food using your airfryer
Cost Saving
Do not spend more with our cost savings menu: Great , Cheap and balanced !
Plan your meals with our traditional recipes
A simple menu to fit on your busy schedule
School snacks suggestions for everyone
Take care of your health without giving up flavor
Use your Thermomix and enjoy !!
Look after the environment with our delicious recipes
Each week, you'll get new ideas to make your vegan meals even more delicious and diverse! Enjoy!
Gluten free
Gluten free recipes for you to enjoy your day to day