Morocci soup of lentils and potatoes

1 hr 10 min.
10 min.
Morocci soup of lentils and potatoes

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14 ingredientes
Añadir todo al carrito
  • 2 cda(s) Aceite
  • 1/2 un Cebolla
  • 1/4 un Zanahoria
  • 1/2 diente(s) Ajo
  • 1 cda(s) Jengibre
  • 1 cdta(s) Comino
  • 1/2 taza(s) Cilantro
  • 1/2 cdta(s) Cúrcuma
  • 1/2 cdta(s) Pimentón en polvo
  • 1/2 cdta(s) Canela molida
  • 3 taza(s) Caldo (verdura)
  • 200 gr Tomates en conserva
  • 1 un Papa
  • 1/2 taza(s) Lentejas
8 pasos
  1. 1
    Soak the lentils of the previous day.
  2. 2
    The next day, drain them and put them in a large pot with 2 liters clean water per 1.5 cup of lentils, salt and laurel leaves. Cook them by 35 mins approx. or until cooked (soft).
  3. 3
    Prepare your ingredients: Cut potatoes and tomato into small cubes; prepare the vegetable broth according to the container instructions; Chop onion, garlic and cilantro finely; grate carrot and ginger.
  4. 4
    Hot oil in a large pot over medium-high heat. Add onion, garlic, carrot and sauté 4 minutes
  5. 5
    Add condiments (cumin, turmeric, paprika, cinnamon), ginger and half of the cilantro
  6. 6
    Add the broth of vegetables, tomatoes, potatoes and lentils. Bringing lightly and then reducing the fire to medium-low, covering the pot and letting over low heat, stirring from time to time until the potatoes are soft and tender lentils, around 25-30 mins. Add more broth to taste
  7. 7
    Serve sprinkling the remaining cilantro.
  8. 8
    If you prefer to make homemade broth: throw in a pot with olive oil the vegetables that you have well washed and cut into small pieces, softened about 5 mins, then add 1-2 l of hot water and boil it. Colar and use.

Información nutricional

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Calorías Carbohidratos Proteínas Grasas
194 38.5 9.8 1.5
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  • Es lejos mi receta favorita de lentejas! Le pondría 1000 estrellas!