Tomato soup

30 min.
10 min.
Tomato soup

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11 ingredientes
Añadir todo al carrito
  • 2 cda(s) Aceite oliva
  • 1/8 un Cebolla
  • 1/4 diente(s) Ajo
  • 1/2 cda(s) Orégano seco
  • 1 un Hoja laurel
  • 1/2 taza(s) Albahaca
  • 1 pizca Sal fina
  • 1 pizca Pimienta
  • 1/2 cdta(s) Azúcar granulada
  • 1/2 taza(s) Crema de coco
  • 240 gr Tomates en conserva
10 pasos
  1. 1
    Prepare your ingredients: wash, peel and chop the fine onion; Chop the garlic; Wash and chop the basil in thin bands; wash, peel and cut tomatoes into quarters; Prepare the broth according to the container instructions.
  2. 2
    In an artene with olive oil, sauté the onion until it is translucent.
  3. 3
    Add garlic, oregano, basil and laurel and leave on low heat for 2 mins.
  4. 4
    Add the tomatoes chopped in rooms and salpiment.
  5. 5
    Incorporate the dissolved broth, raise the temperature and let it boil. Once he released Hervor, lower the fire, cover and cook for 10 mins.
  6. 6
    Remove from the fire and let it cool a little. Remove bay leaves.
  7. 7
    Trust the mixture in a food processor or blender immersion until you get a cream. Return the cream to the pot.
  8. 8
    Back the soup to fire, add the milk and warm it back some mins.
  9. 9
    Salpimentary to taste, and serve with Parmesan cheese.
  10. 10
    If you prefer to make homemade broth: it throws in a pot with olive oil the vegetables that you have well washed and cut into small pieces, sofríe about 5 mins, then add 1-2 l of hot water and hope that boils. Colar and use.

Información nutricional

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Calorías Carbohidratos Proteínas Grasas
301 47.1 2.3 12.8
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