Mini Quiche of tamedies le chisi ea cream

Mini Quiche of tamedies le chisi ea cream

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10 ingredientes
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  • 1/2 diyuniti Boima pascualina
  • 75 dikgerama Tranelate chisi
  • 1/2 o tablespoons Ketchup
  • 2 o tablespoons Oli ea mohloaare
  • 1 o tablespoons Aceto Balsamico
  • 100 dikgerama Tamati ciliegia
  • 1 diyuniti Lehe
  • 1/2 diyuniti Moro (meroho)
  • 1/2 dikgabana Mahe a linotši
  • 1 Picch Pepere
4 pasos
  1. 1
    Hlatsoa tamati 'me u behe sejaneng sa ho baka; etsa sehiloeng ka thipa e bohale le asene, o tšela tee, o eketsa tee ea mahe a linotsi hotamati le ho e tlohella hore e pholile.
  2. 2
    Khaola hlama e sebelisa mold kapa khalase e pharalletseng ea molomo.
  3. 3
    Lokisetsa ho tlatsoa ka ho kopanya chisi ea tranelate e nang le mahe, letsoai, pepere ebe u kopanya hantle. ThopeBakeng sa metsotso e 15.T 180 ° C. E sebeletsa ho chesa kapa ho bata.
  4. 4
    Haeba u rata ho etsa moro oa hae: E ntse e lahla pitsa ka meroho ea meroho e nang le metsi a 5, sofríe e chesang ebile e na le tšepoSebelisa.

Información nutricional

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Calorías Carbohidratos Proteínas Grasas
653 61 8.7 41.9
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