Salmon salad, Kale and Quinoa "thermomix"

21 ingredients • 11 steps • 60 MINUTOS
Cook time
20 min.
Prep time
40 min.
Skill level
Salmon salad, Kale and Quinoa "thermomix"

Recipe for

5 - 6


21 ingredients
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  • 100 grams Quinoa
  • 1/2 units Parsley
  • 1/4 units Lemon
  • 1 teeth Garlic
  • 60 grams Olive oil
  • 600 grams Salmon fish)
  • 150 grams Red pepper
  • 50 grams Onion
  • 150 grams Pepino
  • 150 grams Feta cheese
  • 20 grams Basil
  • 1 tsp Mustard
  • 1 tsp White vinegar
  • 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 1/4 tsp Pepper
  • 300 grams Tomato
  • 1 units Avocado
  • 1 units Scallion
  • 2 tbsp Pumpkin seeds
  • 2 tbsp Cranberries
  • 100 grams Kale
11 steps
  1. 1
    In the vessel of the _thromix_ put the quinoa (previously rinsed with cold water) and 250 g. of water. Schedule 15 minutes, 100º temperature, turn left and speed 1. Remove a large bowl and reserve.
  2. 2
    Wash and dry the vessel and the top (Inside) Round.
  3. 3
    Put in the glass half of the parsley and lemon skin. Grind for 10 seconds, at speed 9. With the spatula, lower the remains that have remained on the walls and top (Inside) round of the glass towards the blades and schedule another 10 seconds, at speed 9. Remove a bowl and reserve.
  4. 4
    Without washing the glass, putting the garlic and programming 3 seconds, at speed 7. With the spatula, lower the remains that have remained on the walls and top (Inside) round of the glass towards the blades.
  5. 5
    Add 30 g of oil and softh for 2 minutes, temperature 120º (in TM31: Varoma Temp) and speed 1. Pour into the bowl with parsley and lemon and mix.
  6. 6
    Put 1000 g. of water in the glass. Place the varomatic container in its position, place the varoma tray and put the salmon loins on top. Distribute over the salmon the reserved mixture of garlic, parsley and lemon, cover the varinity and program 17 minutes, temperature varoma and speed 1. Remove the varomue and let the salmon cool (for 15 minutes approx.). Empty the glass.
  7. 7
    With a fork, crumble the salmon into pieces and put it in the bowling where the quinoa is.
  8. 8
    In the vessel put the paprika, the onion, cucumber, 100 g of feta cheese, basil, mustard, vinegar, 30 g of oil, the rest of the parsley, salt and pepper. Schedule 5 seconds, at speed 4 (if you want smaller pieces, we program another 2 seconds, at speed 5). With the spatula, lower the ingredients towards the bottom of the glass.
  9. 9
    Add the tomatoes, the avocado and 1 tablespoon of chopped onion. Schedule 10 seconds, turn left and speed 2.
  10. 10
    In a large source, put the kale, incorporate the salmon and quinoa mixture and pour the contents of the vessel. Mix gently and distribute the pumpkin seeds, the cranberrys, 1 tablespoon of chopped onion and 50 g. of feta cheese.
  11. 11
    To serve.

Nutrition facts

Per serving
Show more
Calories Carbohydrates Protein Fat
390 16.3 29.3 23.6
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