Strawberry triffle with mascarpone "thermomix"

10 ingredients • 8 steps • 3 HORAS 15 MINUTOS
Cook time
30 min.
Prep time
2 hr 45 min.
Skill level
Strawberry triffle with mascarpone "thermomix"

Recipe for

5 - 6


10 ingredients
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  • 1 units Egg
  • 150 grams Granulated sugar
  • 1/8 units Lemon
  • 500 grams Strawberry
  • 8 tbsp Cognac
  • 1 units Orange
  • 200 grams Milk cream
  • 60 grams Powdered sugar
  • 250 grams Cream cheese
  • 100 grams Raspberries (frozen)
8 steps
  1. 1
    For merengue: Preheat the oven at 110º C. Forre a baking tray with baking paper and reserve. Take juice to the lemon. Separate the clara from the yolk. Reserve the yolk for another preparation.
  2. 2
    Insert the butterfly into the blades, put on the glass the clear, 50 g of sugar, 2-3 drops of lemon juice and program 2 min / 50 ° C / Speed ​​3.5. Afterwards, Bata 1 Min / Speed ​​3. Pour the meringue into a pastel sleeve with a smooth or curly nozzle and put small meringue portions on the prepared tray.
  3. 3
    BORNE (110º c) for 2 hours. Meanwhile, wash the glass and follow the recipe.
  4. 4
    For macerated strawberries: put in the glass the strawberries, 5 CDAs of cognac, 50 cc of orange juice, 50 g of sugar and program 20 min / turn the reverse / speed spoon. Pour into a bowl and reserve. Wash the glass.
  5. 5
    For mascarpone cream: Insert the butterfly on the blades. Put in the glass the cream, the sugar flower, the cream cheese and mount at Vel 3 until the cream is mounted, paying attention to avoid bleeding in excess. Pour into a pastry sleeve and reserve in the fridge. Wash the glass.
  6. 6
    For the raspberry coulis: put in the glass the raspberries, 3 cdas of cognac and 50 g of sugar and program 4 min / 100 ° C / Speed ​​1. Stay through a colander and let cool.
  7. 7
    When the oven time is finished, remove the tray and let the meringues cool (approximately 30 minutes).
  8. 8
    Cut the meringues into large pieces and mix them in a bowl with half of the mascarpone cream. Distribute this mix on the bottom of 6 glasses, distribute over the macerated strawberries, the remaining mascarpone cream and water with the coulis. Serve or reserve in the fridge until the time to serve.

Nutrition facts

Per serving
Show more
Calories Carbohydrates Protein Fat
495 49.7 5.4 27.5
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