Oat and almond balls

6 ingredients • 4 steps • 20 MINUTOS
Cook time
Prep time
20 min.
Skill level
Oat and almond balls

Choose your servings

1 - 2


6 ingredients
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  • 1/2 cups Oats
  • 1/4 cups Almonds
  • 1/2 tbsp Bitter chocolate powder
  • 1 tbsp Skim milk
  • 1/2 units Plátano
  • 1/2 tsp Vanilla
4 steps
  1. 1
    Prepare the ingredients: the juicer, process oats and almonds until a "meal"; bananas peel and grind.
  2. 2
    In a bowl, add milk, bananas and vanilla, and with a fork form a homogeneous and smooth paste.
  3. 3
    Add the "flour" prepared above and chocolate. Mix until homogeneous and consistent mass.
  4. 4
    Form balls with your hands and go through chocolate to cover.

Nutrition facts

Per serving
Show more
Calories Carbohydrates Protein Fat
239 28.9 7.6 11.3
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4.8 6 comments

  • Estaba antojada y los hice con chocolate dulce y quedaron súper ricas!

  • Más complicada,..aunque deliciosa.