Semolina gnocchi with shredded meat and cilantro pesto

24 ingredients • 14 steps • 6 HORAS 5 MINUTOS
Cook time
5 hr 30 min.
Prep time
35 min.
Skill level
Semolina gnocchi with shredded meat and cilantro pesto

Choose your servings

1 - 2


24 ingredients
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  • 400 grams Vacuno (under blade boneless)
  • 4 teeth Garlic
  • 1/8 units Celery
  • 3/4 units Onion
  • 2 units Bacon
  • 1/4 units Carrot
  • 1/4 cups Pumpkin
  • 1 bit Tomato sauce
  • 1.5 tbsp Granulated sugar
  • 1.5 units Bay leaf
  • 1/2 tsp Fresh thyme
  • 1/2 tbsp Basil
  • 500 milliliters Broth (meat)
  • 200 milliliters Red wine tetra
  • 1/2 tsp Coarse salt
  • 1 pinch Pepper
  • 1/2 cups Olive oil
  • 2 tbsp Butter
  • 250 milliliters Whole milk
  • 100 grams Semolina
  • 200 grams Parmesan
  • 1/2 units Tomato
  • 3/4 cups Coriander
  • 30 grams Whole nuts
14 steps
  1. 1
    Prepare the ingredients: Cut the meat into pieces of 10x5 cm approx .; chop celery into small pieces; cut onion pen; Fine chop the bacon; cut carrot slices; cut the pumpkin into cubes; prepare the broth according to the instructions of the container; dividing the olive oil in 2: half will go to the coriander pesto and the other half will be divided into four parts: 1 part go for garlic paste, 1 part for gnocchi, one part for the roasted tomato and 1 part for meat; grated Parmesan cheese; butter divided into 3 parts: 1 shall be for meat once it is shredded, 1 will go to the gnocchi and stir-fry 1 shall gnocchi; Parmesan cheese divided into 2 parts: half will go to the cilantro pesto and the other half will be divided into 3 parts: 1 go to to arm the gnocchi 1 will gnocchi and sauté 1 shall be to serve.
  2. 2
    Make a paste of garlic: Preheat oven to 200 ° C. Put the garlic on a piece of foil large enough to wrap after as a package. Pour olive oil corresponding to the garlic. Then wrap in aluminum foil so as to form a package with them and bringing the oven between 50 min or until soft. Remove and wait for them to cool. Remove the pulp inside the teeth and grind into the juicer to get a smooth paste. If necessary add some olive oil to help liquefy.
  3. 3
    For meat: meat seasoned with coarse salt and pepper. In a saucepan heat olive oil for fresh meat, once ready to put to sear the meat and seal on all sides. Remove from the pan and reserve in separate bowl. In the same pot used above, put the olive oil and brown the onion, a tender to add half the roasted garlic paste and bacon. Sear for a few minutes until the bacon begins to drop your fat. Add basil, half the thyme, bay leaves and 1 sprig coriander (per 1 kg of meat). Stir. Cook five minutes. Add carrot, celery and 2/3 of sugar. Stir for five minutes. Add the tomato sauce, the reserved meat and wine. Let the wine boil five minutes and pour into the preparation of homemade beef broth. Cover lightly and cook over medium heat for two hours. Add the squash and continue cooking for one hour or until meat is tender and falling apart. Remove from the fire and wait for it to cool. Remove the meat and desmecharla discarding the pieces of fat. Remove the bay leaf and thyme stick. Moler half of the vegetables in a juicer and leave the other half whole. Mix the vegetables which were ground and unground whole with meat. If time sufficient to cool the broth well so that the grease is to the surface forming a yellow layer. Then remove the yellow layer and add a little broth to moisten the flesh; the rest of the broth freeze for use on another occasion.
  4. 4
    Cut the tomatoes into slices with peel.
  5. 5
    Grease a tin with olive oil intended to tomatoes. Sort over tomatoes and then brush them with olive oil on the surface. Sprinkle the chopped sage, half of the thyme, salt and pepper. On tomatoes spray the remaining sugar. Meter to the oven 20 to 30 min. or until vegetables are tender and lightly browned. Cooking time depends on the oven and the thickness of each vegetable.
  6. 6
    Making pesto: whiten coriander leaves; enough for it to boil water. Once a list, turn the pages by boiling water 15 seconds, remove and immediately put in a bowl with very cold water, ideally with some ice cubes to stop cooking. Strain and let estilar. Tighten to remove excess water from the leaves. In a grinding juicer intended Parmesan this with olive oil intended for this, nuts and other garlic paste. Add to the end leaves, salt and pepper and ground to desired consistency.
  7. 7
    For the gnocchi, heat the milk, not boil. Add the semolina in rain and stir until thickened. Add salt, pepper, butter and parmesan gnocchi intended to arm and remove from fire. Let cool completely.
  8. 8
    On a surface put a little extra semolina. Divide dough into eight portions and kneading so as to form elongated strips of dough of a diameter of approximately cm. Once ready rolls, each cut into smaller pieces of 1.5 cm long. Gnocchi shape of each of the cuts.
  9. 9
    For meat, heat 1 cup beef broth per 800 g of meat and simmer until halving of the total liquid. Insert the meat, butter intended for this and stir until heated through. At the last moment add the reduced balsamic. Book to ride.
  10. 10
    In a large skillet heat the oil (if you have a large skillet should do it in two separate pans). Once the oil is hot put to gild the gnocchi for two minutes, shaking the pan occasionally to leave gilding on all sides evenly. (Do not stir with spoon because the gnocchi are disassembled).
  11. 11
    Once they start to brown, add the butter to saute the gnocchi and continue browning for a minute. Finally, add the cilantro pesto, grated parmesan intended for this, roasted tomato pieces and make a last movement of the pan so that the gnocchi mix well with other ingredients.
  12. 12
    Garnish with Parmesan, a little pesto distributed in small portions on the plate and top with meat.
  13. 13
    If you prefer to make homemade broth: thrown into a pot with olive oil vegetables you have thoroughly washed and cut into small pieces, small pieces of beef (for example), saute about 5 mins, then add water 1-2 L hot and expected to boil. Strain and use.
  14. 14
    Jesus and Tere Gutierrez. Adapted. Photography: Catalina Riutort

Nutrition facts

Per serving
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Calories Carbohydrates Protein Fat
1571 79.8 102.9 93.9
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