Fettuccini with salmon

16 ingredients • 7 steps • 1 HORA 10 MINUTOS
Cook time
40 min.
Prep time
30 min.
Skill level
Fettuccini with salmon

Choose your servings

1 - 2


16 ingredients
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  • 150 grams Pasta (fettuccine)
  • 200 grams Salmon fish)
  • 1/2 units Onion
  • 0.38 cups White wine tetra
  • 1 cups Milk cream
  • 100 grams Parmesan
  • 1.5 tbsp Scallion
  • 2 tbsp Olive oil
  • 1/2 units Scallion
  • 30 grams Butter
  • 1/2 units Orange
  • 1/2 units Lemon
  • 1 bit Ginger
  • 1 tsp Fresh thyme
  • 1 pinch Pepper
  • 1/2 tsp Coarse salt
7 steps
  1. 1
    Prepare ingredients: fine chop the scallions (white and green parts); remove lemon and orange peel (without the white part); Grate ginger; chopping diced onion; grated Parmesan cheese; Fine chop the scallions. Divide the wine into 3 parts: 1 part will be to bake salmon and 2 parts will be for the sauce.
  2. 2
    For salmon: Preheat oven to 180 ° C. In a bowl put the butter at room temperature and work with a fork so as to make it more manageable and mix with the grated orange, lemon and ginger. Add touches of pepper and thyme. A can cover with foil. Riding up and put salmon on the surface pieces of flavored butter, a little salt, pepper and scallion pieces. Finally sprinkle with wine destined for this. Carry oven 12 minutes if you prefer red and 15-20 if you like it cooked. You can also add the lemon drops out. Crumble and set aside.
  3. 3
    Uncooked pasta to the dente.
  4. 4
    For the sauce that goes with pasta: mix the salmon pre-shredded with half the cream and stir well. In a pan slowly add the onion oil. Add the white wine and cook for 1 single minute to evaporate the alcohol. Add the remaining cream and cook 3 minutes on high heat, so as to concentrate a little cream. Spicing.
  5. 5
    At the last moment, add the scallions, shredded salmon and Parmesan cheese, leaving a little for garnish.
  6. 6
    Serve mixed with previously cooked fettuccine and garnish with Parmesan on top.
  7. 7
    Jesus and Tere Gutierrez. Adapted. Photography: Catalina Riutort

Nutrition facts

Per serving
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Calories Carbohydrates Protein Fat
1114 41.9 45.2 82.4
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