Zucchini and stuffed packets of eggplant with goat cheese on homemade tomato sauce

19 ingredients • 11 steps • 5 HORAS 15 MINUTOS
Cook time
4 hr 25 min.
Prep time
50 min.
Skill level
Zucchini and stuffed packets of eggplant with goat cheese on homemade tomato sauce

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19 ingredients
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  • 1 units Zucchini
  • 1 units Eggplants
  • 125 grams Goat cheese
  • 125 grams Cream cheese
  • 1/2 units Onion
  • 1/2 tsp Coarse salt
  • 1 pinch Pepper
  • 10 units Black olives
  • 1/2 units Carrot
  • 1.5 units Tomato
  • 1/2 tbsp Granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp Fresh thyme
  • 1/4 tsp Dried oregano
  • 1/2 cups Olive oil
  • 2 teeth Garlic
  • 1 cups Basil
  • 25 grams Parmesan
  • 15 grams Whole nuts
  • 1 tbsp Oil
11 steps
  1. 1
    Prepare the ingredients: Cut the onion into thin pen; carrot cut into thin slices; Cut tomatoes into wedges; snack nuts; grated goat cheese; grated Parmesan cheese; 1/4 chop the basil leaves; chopping the olives in moons; dividing the olive oil in 2: one half will go to the pesto and the remainder is divided into 3 again, a portion goes to the tomato sauce, another garlic paste and the other grilled vegetables.
  2. 2
    In a frying pan heat the oil and add great half of the onion. Cooking medium heat for 25-30 min until they are well browned.
  3. 3
    Make tomato sauce: preheat oven 150 ° C. In a tin foil put the rest of the onion and carrot with half olive oil intended for tomato sauce, salt and pepper. Cook for 30 min in the oven. Remove the can and add tomatoes matches, sugar, thyme and oregano with the remaining olive oil and stir. Cook for an hour and half or two, until the tomatoes are roasted see. Stir occasionally during cooking vegetables. Remove, let cool slightly and grind all vegetables and juice in a blender. Correct the seasoning.
  4. 4
    Make a paste of garlic: Preheat oven to 200 ° C. Put the garlic on a piece of foil large enough to wrap after as a package. Pour olive oil corresponding to the garlic. Then wrap in aluminum foil so as to form a package with them and bringing the oven between 50 min or until soft. Remove and wait for them to cool. Remove the pulp inside the teeth and grind into the juicer to get a smooth paste. If necessary add some olive oil to help liquefy.
  5. 5
    Making pesto: blanch the leaves; enough for it to boil water. Once a list, passing the basil leaves by boiling water 15 seconds, remove and immediately put in a bowl with very cold water, ideally with some ice cubes to stop cooking. Strain and let estilar. Tighten to remove excess water from the leaves. In a juicer grinding parmesan with olive oil, nuts and garlic paste. Add to the end leaves, salt and pepper and ground to desired consistency.
  6. 6
    For roasted vegetables: preheat oven at 180 ° C.
  7. 7
    Remove the tips of the eggplants, then cut into thin sheets of 2mm thickness throughout.
  8. 8
    Removing tips of the zucchini and cut into thin sheets of 2 mm thick along.
  9. 9
    Oiling a can with olive oil. Sort above eggplants and zucchini and then brush them with more olive oil on the surface. Sprinkle the chopped sage, thyme, salt and pepper. Meter to the oven 20 to 30 min. or until vegetables are tender and lightly browned. Cooking time depends on the oven and the thickness of each vegetable.
  10. 10
    Mix the grated goat cheese with cream cheese. Riding a sheet eggplant pumpkin with a cross-shaped. Fill the center of the cross with a little cheese mixture, oregano and basil or above a teaspoon of stewed onion. Close so as to form a package. Put on a can with the package closures looking down. Warm the packets in the oven and serve over hot tomato sauce. Garnish with touches of pesto and pieces of olives.
  11. 11
    Jesus and Tere Gutierrez. Adapted. Photography: Catalina Riutort

Nutrition facts

Per serving
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Calories Carbohydrates Protein Fat
664 43.2 25.2 47
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