Semi-Cold Raspberry Palettes "thermomix"

5 ingredients • 5 steps • 3 HORAS 35 MINUTOS
Cook time
15 min.
Prep time
3 hr 20 min.
Skill level
Semi-Cold Raspberry Palettes "thermomix"

Recipe for

5 - 6


5 ingredients
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  • 200 grams Granulated sugar
  • 3 units Egg
  • 1 units Lemon
  • 250 grams Milk cream
  • 200 grams Raspberries (frozen)
5 steps
  1. 1
    Put the sugar in the glass, 50 ml of water and program 10 min / varoma / speed 2 without putting the beaker. Remove from the glass and reserve. Place the butterfly on the blades and incorporate only the whites (keep the yolks for another preparation) and the lemon juice. Bata 3 Min / 37 ° C / Speed ​​3.5.
  2. 2
    Program 3 Min / Speed ​​3.5 and go incorporating the reserved and hot syrup to fine thread by the opening. Remove the Italian meringue to a bowl and let cool (approximately 30 minutes).
  3. 3
    Place the butterfly on the blades. Pour the cream into the glass and robe to Vel 3.5 until you have the desired consistency, paying attention to avoid excessive beat and make butter. Remove a bowl and book in the freezer.
  4. 4
    Put the raspberries in the glass and trup 10 sec / Speed ​​10. With the spatula, lower the raspberry towards the bottom of the vessel and Triture 10 sec / Speed ​​10.
  5. 5
    Place the butterfly on the blades, add the reserved meringue and mix 5 sec / Speed ​​2.5. Add the whipped cream and mix 5 SEF / SPEED 2.5. Pour the mixture into the pallet molds. With the spatula, remove the excess and level the surface. Insert the sticks and reserve in the freezer for a minimum of 8 hours. Desmolde and serve immediately.

Nutrition facts

Per serving
Show more
Calories Carbohydrates Protein Fat
322 39.5 4.5 17.4
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